

Nine months later and here we are. Well, here i am.
I've been a bit slow about the posting lately so you'll have to forgive me one and only reader. Not that I haven't had anything to say, I have. I keep thinking about stuff i want to write here, mostly as i'm walking the streets of SF or Berkeley but by the time i get back to my computer i've kinda forgotten all those interesting life comments i wanted to make. In fact I already forgot about what it was i was going to tell you about today. Hmm, probably something about t-shirts, animals, blue skies, PS3 or maybe even a photograph.
Well, that'll have to wait till next time. Till then i'll be here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice job following up the post titled something along the lines of "all my post titles have to do with time" with another post titled with a time designation. Real smooth.

Also, you mention PS3 in general without mentioned Wipeout HD specifically. Bad form man, bad form.

Just kidding, it is all good.