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My favorite sandwich ever is the mozzarella turkey sandwich.
It's a baguette, an avocado, lemon juice and melted mozzarella on the bread. So freaking good I could eat this all the time. It's really easy.
Get a baguetter or similar bread, turn on your oven.
Put the mozzarella on bread and stick in oven about 5 mins. Time for it to melt the cheezy and make the bread a bit crispy.
Couple of slices of turkey and slice your avocado kinda thin.
Take the bread out of the oven and put lemon juice on the bread so it soaks up it a bit. I find more is better, gives it a bit of zest.
Put on your turkey slices and try to cram as much avocado on there as possible. Since its the fruit of the gods and all, you can't go wrong.
Enjoy the deliciousness that is the sandwich.
I had some chips and coke go along, tasty dinner.

i miss you like a tree misses leaves
I miss you like a pen misses paper
i miss you like stars miss their gravitation pull
i miss you like earphones miss ears
i miss you like a cameras misses a subject
i miss you like a 6th grader misses clear skin
i miss you like a cigarettes misses a lighter
i miss you like dessert misses a spoon
i miss you like a sidewalk misses soles
i miss you like a keyboard misses keys
i miss you like a movie misses a star
i miss you like a nun misses her cross
i miss you like a car misses wheels
i miss you like a train misses its tracks
i miss you like a light misses the night
i miss you like a song misses a chorus
i miss you like a kid misses candy
i miss you like laces miss being tied
i miss you like the wind misses a breeze
i miss you like a whore misses male attention
i miss you like a table misses legs
i miss you xbox, you should be with me
When I listen to Maps by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs I dream of playing Rock Band. More specifically I dream of playing the drums for it. I love the drums on that song. I doubt I'll get to play that anytime soon though....
Oh, do you guys who have a mac and use mail for your e-mail program hear the got mail noise at about 21 secs into the song? Cause every time I listen to the song I hear that chime and think I got mail. It got really annoying in the last day or two since I'm anxiously awaiting to hear back from DDB.
Speaking of, the official bring french matt has launched. Go check out the in depth site and you know, chip in if you can.
No, i'm not talking about myself. I'm talking about my webiste.... yes it's gone but should be back up in the next 12 to 24 hours. Thats just my dumb ass having to deal with See I bought that URL so long ago that I used register and its been there ever since. Well I never transfered it over to dreamhost which I should have about 5 years ago. Anyway, it expired, i didn't know cause all the e-mails were going to an e-mail account i probably haven't used since a year or two after getting cendre... so you know, like a decade almost. But the other problem was that it was so long ago that it's not a register anymore but a sister company, so I can't access it from So Llama Cafe is on register but cendre is on Fucking ridiculous, seriously. Anyway, things should be ok and it should be back up soon. And next week you can rest assured that I will be transferring cendre and llama cafe over to my lovely dreamhost account so I never have another freak out like this again. And yes it has to wait till next week cause I'm out of minutes for this month and they only start over on the 19th. And i'll probably be on the phone for a good hour with them i'm sure until I can convince them to get me the authorization code to switch it over. You can't even do that on the site, you have to call them, bastards.
Anyway, hopefully this will all be over soon and I can get back to my regular www lifestyle.
Well now it's easier than ever to hang out with Matt. The new website lets you see FM more often than you might of ever thought imaginable. It's all up to you, so go check it out.BRING FRENCH MATT
So I didn't know what I was going to do for dinner. I was out of food and wondered what I could make. Well, with a few left over ingredients I made myself a lovely and quite large dinner.
Ingredients for Omelette:
2 eggs
1/8 of a green pepper
shredded mozzarella
1/4 avocado
salt & Pepper, crushed d peppers
Ingredients for Salad:
1/4 avocado
pepper jack cheeze
sauce (dijon mustard, olive oil and red wine vinegar)
And some bread, of course.
hmm, good.
So I've decided that This also needs to be a sort of insipirational thing for me. I'm looking for a job right, i'm trying to better myself, right? Right. So in doing so i'll be going around the web looking at design stuff and putting it here for all to enjoy. So here we go.
We're gonna start with a London based design firm that does some amazing work.
A practice for Everyday Life.
Very clean simple yet beautiful design work for exhibitions and the such.
By the way I will also but adding all these links to, so feel free to bookmark that cause hopefully soon it'll be a big long list of links for references and the such.
Both of which are to call me this weekend.
Option one:
I get the job at DDB. If so then i'll be celebrating all weekend. And when I say celebrate I mean being completely fucked out of my mind all weekend. So call me and congratulate me. Whatever time of day or night, i'll enjoy it. And you being blitzed out of your mind will be like a double whammy. My roommate is out out of town this weekend so you know i'm going to be pumping the jams dancing around in my undies.
Option two:
i don't get the job at DDB. Call me, please. i'll probably be laying in my bed, maybe crying, maybe considering self mutilation. I'll probably act like i don't care but i will. That's what friends are for, right? That's why you love me, or like me at least a little bit, just a little...
I was going to try and post some of the work i've been doing recently, get some feedback from you guys but its' getting late and i'm getting tired. So i'll just do it without explanation. That's probably better anyway cause I wont be there explaining the website when you go see it. That would be pretty cool if i was though. "Welcome to this web page. I am the web master and this is what this page is all about, are you ready?"
Anyway, option one: (click in order obviously)
option two:
So please let me know what you think. Any and all suggestions welcome. Thanks.
Exactly to the minute that I've been here. At this time two weeks ago I was standing outside the airport terminal smoking a cigarette waiting for my luggage to come tumbling down their fancy motorized belts.
It's been two weeks now, i'm not much closer to having a job and I really haven't done too terribly much, or at least it feels like that now. Something is gonna have to happen soon cause I don't know how much longer I can sit here at this desk day in and day out.
So to spice things up, this is what I had for lunch:
Salad with Maille pickles, jalapeno jack cheezy, turkey and of course avocado. Made the sauce with some Dijon mustard, olive oil and red wine vinegar. Bread and some Honey Dijon chips. I wouldn't really recommend them. The Spicy Thai chips are the best Kettle chips out there but they are salty as shit. Have some water ready next to you when you eat them cause you'll need it.
So I've posted some new stuff on finally. If you have any suggestion on stuff that I should add on there let me know... Leave me a comment or something.
Did you see there how I once again requested that you leave comments, yeah. You get it now, ok good.
Please leave a comment if you feel the need. I know what i'm saying isn't very interesting but if you have an interesting story please do tell. So start commenting, or don't, whatever.
So living with someone you've never met before is interesting.
We stay out of each others way most of the time and hide in our respective rooms. He's a nice guy and when we do run into each other we have polite conversations about stuff. The other day he even brought me to Ikea to get to my desk, that was really cool. But when you live with someone you pick up on some weird habits. Well, he slams doors.
Yeah, i dont really get it, at first i thought he was mad all the time but I guess he just doesn't know his own strength. It's a bit unnerving though because I hear him slam the door and I think "Is he mad this time?"
Damn! He just did it again. why do you have to slam the doors all the time? Just mellow out man, you're stressing me out and weakening the Integrity of the building.
My new favorite snack is Flavor Blasted Xplosive Pizza Goldfish. They are good (but a bit salty).
My new favorite drink is Earl Gray tea.
My new favorite place to hang out is my new Ikea desk.
My new favorite music at the moment is Yelle.
Not my new favorite thing: Talking to everyone partying it up at Cecils for Drews birthday on a friday night when i'm stuck at my desk with nowhere to go. Sad Matt.
So forget about ordering online from Ikea unless you want to ruin yourself. After a few days of not hearing back from them (they were supposed to get back to me with shipping costs for my order) I called them to find out what was going on. First of all they had canceled my order because I hadn't gotten in touch with them 24 hours after I placed my order. But in the e-mail I received it says an Ikea employee will contact you within 24 hours to let you know of the shipping costs. I even read it out loud to her on the phone and she just says "we don't do callbacks". Excuse me?
Anyway, the whole point of that story is the fact that after all of that she put my order back through and then she told me the shipping and handling for an $129 order. The shipping and handling was $260. That's right, twice as much as the order itself. Bringing my grand total to a whopping 400 dollars for a lousy desk and chair. Ridiculous. Well, thankfully my roommate is going to be bringing me to Ikea tonight so that I can purchase that stuff without paying that freaking shipping fee.
Other than that few things have been happening here. Looking for work, trying to get adjusted to my tiny room under the stairs, trying to not go too crazy from the seclusion. I know that if I start going to interviews and i haven't talked to anyone in a long time it might get a little scary for them. So we won't do that, matt will try and keep it together.
I did get to visit a local bar last night. Well, kinda local, it's almost 2 miles away which is a little far to be walking to a bar in my opinion. It was a pretty ok place but there were a couple of things that kinda of made me say "Probabaly not for a while". One was that there was a live country band playing. Seriously, a week after I leave Texas I gotta get the 5 guys with guitars and Banjos playing live in Berkeley. The second thing was that when I went to get my second beer (same kind of beer of course) it was 25¢ more expensive than the first one I had. Inflation can be a bitch but I wasn't gonna stick around to see if the third was gonna keep up with the trends or not. You do get free popcorn though and they have darts and pool tables, thats pretty coo. So not a horrible experience it's just really a bit too far to walk unfortunately.
Dear Netflix and USPS,
why are you both trying to screw me? Seriously.
I've been a member of Netflix for 4 years now and not once have my movies been stalled like they are now. I send a movie in, the next one ships that same day. That's how it's been ever since day one. What happens when I get here? For some odd reason it takes 2 days after you receive my movie to even ship the next one. How does that make sense? And you, USPS, i can only imagine it's your fault that a movie that shipped last thursday is till not here (tuesday).
I blame you both for not entertaining me at night. What the hell else am I supposed to do?
P.S:Please netflix gods and the gods of my lonely nights, please do not let this continue. I can only watch free content on and other major rival networks websites for so long. Oh and one more thing, please get a third party licensed DRM player for Mac so that I can at least watch netflix movies online in the comfort of my closoom. Thanks.
So it's been raining for a week straight since I got here. It's getting on my nerves a little bit cause it's just not very fun to walk around and do the things i need to do, like grocery shopping. I might have to brave it today anyway and get a little wet for food sakes, I don't have much left. We'll see if I get off my lazy ass or not.
I did manage to order a desk today from Ikea (it's this desk with the white table top). I would have rather gone to the store but again seeing as I have no car some things become a bit more difficult to do. I think it'll work fine though, I also got this chair to go along with it. My little room might start to actually be livable in a couple of weeks.
And I will have to say thank you to netflix for helping me out in my lonesome times.
Things went well today, the interview went well. I'm going to be going back on monday or tuesday for a follow up. It's a great opportunity and I really couldn't ask for more.
But be warned, there's always a down for an up or an up for a down. Just the way things work.
I almost forgot, a security woman at the denver airport told me I had nice socks when I walked through the checkpoint area. That was nice.